You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


1. What do I want to know in June that I don’t know today?
I want to know how to help myself and others practice compassion. I want to be able to trust my gut and be confident. My main goal is to become a better person. Everyday is a new day. I do not know what everyday will bring, but I do know that my reaction will be different every time. I want to be able to live a conscious life day in and day out.

2. What skills do I want to be able to demonstrate through my blog or on the media?
My blog is a piece of who I am. There are quotes, personal thoughts, poems, interesting articles, and my assignments and insights. This semester I plan to publish more post on articles that interest me, quotes, and anything motivational. I want my blog to be as close of an image of me as possible. I want it to portray my hard work, simplicity and passions. I want people to see what I am capable of.

3. What experiences do I want to have as a result?
The experiences that are the most memorable from this course and my life are the ones spent with other people. Collaborating and spending time with others are experiences I want to have more of. As a result I want people to look at my blog, and give me their insight on my post. I want to know what they think about some of the articles I am interested in. I want to hear their opinions and their point of view whether it be the same or different as mine.

4. Who do I need in my network?
(Peers, public, experts)
The network of people I collaborate with are some of the most focused and intelligent people I know. They are on the same boat as I. My peers are my close friends who all happen to be in A.V.I.D. Upward Bound is also a network that I keep close because it has continued to helped me throughout the years. The public is very important to me, because they do not know who I am so they are limited to what they see in my work and the media. People like counselors and acquaintances are always a good public because they are willing to edit any papers and tell you if they do not understand what your point was. They are clear and to the point. The experts to get me to where I want to be are in front of me every single day. My teachers Mr. LeClair, Mrs. Byrne and Dr. Preston have all showed me through their actions to be curious, confident, compassionate, and kind. I have a great advantage because I see them everyday and I can ask them for advice.

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