1. My name is Erica Marquez
2. I
would like to improve my writing skills, improve my critical thinking skills,
and collaborate with young Intelligent people.
3. I hope to be more open
minded and confident about my ideas/thoughts.
4. What really makes me anxious
and exited is the whole college application and scholarship process.
5. In my
life the thing i really care about enough is helping/serving others in any way
possible. This passion is what pushes me to do my best in school because i know
that with an education i will be able to reach more people than without one.
6. If anything i know this course will help me open my eyes to things i may
have never considered or thought of. I also know it will make me a better
writer. I am exited yet frightened for this new opportunity to give my input
and thoughts in this distinct classroom setting.