You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss

Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflections On Week 1

1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer?  Mobile/smart phone?  Transportation?  Friends/family? Schedule?
*Fortunately there are no factors that I could think of that will affect my learning experience in this class.

2. Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening? 
*This summer I got to participate in a seminar called YCS (Youth Citizenship Seminar) at Pepperdine University with two hundred and forty nine other students. It was an awesome experience because after the five day completion I was truly in awe. I learned to believe in myself once more, to count myself as one of the “smart” kids and not be intimidated by others intelligence, but to feed off of it instead. All of the speakers at the Seminar really made me appreciate the country I live in and the family I have. I learned so much about myself and others. I learned that I learn better when I am collaborating and sharing ideas with others. Two brains are better than one. I knew I was learning because everything that came out of a speakers mouth made me think. It made me think, deeply and thoroughly about what they were saying.

3. What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?
*I am most exited about academically interacting with my peers. I am looking forward to feeding off of my peers’ knowledge and to gain more myself. I know this class will make a difference in my life because it is like any other. In this class the student takes responsibility for speaking up and voicing their opinion, which is what learning is all about. If anything I am definitely going to be exercising my brain in this class.

Voc. #1

1. Adumbrate: to foreshadow vaguely
Most novels do not give you the whole picture in one page, but adumbrate throughout it.
2. Apotheosis: elevation to divine status
In Mushu’s family his younger sister Ari is seen as the apotheosis of the family.
3. Ascetic: severe self-discipline
In order to accomplish anything in life a person must have an ascetic point of view.
4. Bauble: something of no importance or worth
Mrs. Reed told me that all of the subjects in school were bauble except for art.
5. Beguile: to lead by deception
Many Catholics believe that the devil beguiles people into doing wrong.
6. Burgeon: to send forth new growth/bloom/sprout
Other peoples ideas really allow my mind to wander and burgeon.
7. Complement: something that fills up, completes
Peanut butter and jelly are what complements bread.
8. Contumacious: stubbornly disobedient, rebellious
Teens are always the first to act contumacious against anybody who questions their power.
9. Curmudgeon: miser
I tried to be nice to the old man, but he was just so curmudgeon that it seemed impossible.
10. Didactic: designed or intended to teach
Today in child development we participated in a quick didactic, using pictures and the text to try to understand the material better.
11. Disingenuous: lacking candor, frankness. False appearance
I really like the class, but I have a hard time coping with Mr. Wing’s disingenuous personality.
12. Exculpate: to clear from fault
John was exculpated when he apologized to Timmy for pushing him down the slide.
13. Faux pas: blunder
It really bugs me when I make a faux pas on an arithmetic problem.
14. Fulminate: express protest
If I get angry at something do not expect me to sit still with out trying to fumigate a debate first.
15. Fustian: strong cotton durable cloth
All of the laundry detergents promise their buyers fustian clothes, but I refuse to believe them.
16. Hauteur: arrogance, haughtiness  
Based on the way she acted today I would say she is quite the hauteur person.
17. Inhibit: restrain
If it was possible I would have inhibited him from smoking at all.
18. Jeremiad: long mournful complain
I hate it when I am having a good day and some one ruins it by having a big jeremiad.
19. Opportunist: person who takes advantage of all his opportunities
Opportunist are probably the most successful people due to the fact that they waste no time in taking advantage of things.
20. Unconscionable: unreasonable, not controlled by conscience
There are some diseases  that are unconscionable, but many have a scientific background tied to them.