You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Reading Notes Macbeth ACT 3

Act 3 Scene 1:

  • Banquo giving credit to the witches about their prophecies
  • Macbeth is king
  • Macbeth insist that Banquo be at the feast....hmm? foreshadowing? 
  • Macbeth fears Banquo b/c he is an honest man
  • Macbeth will kill Banquo's sons
  • Macbeth brainwashes the murder to think everything was Banquo's fault
  • Macbeth goes into comparison of men and dogs, which ones are slow and fast etc 
  • Macbeth wants Banquo and Fleance dead and plans his death with the 2 murders

Scene 2: 

  • dialogue between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
  • speaking of Banquo 
  • Macbeth is a bit paranoid and acting afraid like a coward

Scene 3:
  • Murder scene of Banquo and escape of Fleance 
  • Cut of Banquo's head 
  • Macbeth can't shake terrible/murderous images out of his head but has to act normal
  • Things bad begun make strong themselves ill

Scene 4: 

  • At the feast 
  • The murders enter and tell Macbeth what has occurred
  • Lady Macbeth taking charge at the feast....taking Macbeth's masculinity
  • Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo 
  • He sits in Macbeth's seat
  • Attendants of feast do not know Banquo is dead...assumed he missed the feast for some pther reason
  • Macbeth talking to the ghost
  • Ghost vanishes
  • The guest leave the feast and Macbeth is beyong paranoid and abnormal and obvious as can be
  • Macbeth and Lady Macbeth sleep

Scene 5: 

  • Witch and Hecate dialogue 
  • Hecate disturbed b/c witches did not say anything about telling Macbeth his prophecies
  • Hecate plans to trick Macbeth with more illusions
  • And you all know, security is mortals' chiefest enemy

Scene 6:
  • Dialogue between Lennox and Lord
  • Not sure about Macbeth and want help from outside source/powers