You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

vocabulary #9

1.aficionado: someone who is devoted to something, very enthusiastic about an activity.
When my brother was younger he was a complete aficionado when it came to building legos.

2.browbeat: a bully, someone intimidating who uses abusive words.
I have always found it difficult to get along with browbeat kind of people.

3.commensurate: having the same measure, in proportion.
When baking goods my sister and I always commensurate our supplies.

4.diaphanous: transparent, translucent, light, delicate
I put on a very tough and unbreakable personality, but in reality I am vey diaphanous.

5.emolument: profit, salary
I made sure to count the emolument of the day before I lest the shop.

6.foray: quick raid/attack
The climax in the novel was when his brother died from a foray when hiding at the neighbor’s house.

7.genre: class or category
I love reading books that are part of the fiction genre.

8.homily: a biblical sermon
Every Sunday Father John gives a brief homily about the bible is tying to communicate to us.

9.immure: to shut in, to enclose
Some days I feel like stopping the universe and immuring life for a couple of hours.

10.insouciant: free from concern, worry; care free
The only times when I am truly insouciant is when I am surrounded by people that love me and that I love as well.

11.matrix: an environment that constitutes the place or point from which something else originates.
Apple computers was a matrix for the I-pod and the Iphone’s.

12.obsequies: funeral or ceremony
I do not like attending any type of obsequies, because they are solemn and melancholic.

13.panache: flamboyant style of manner or confidence
Ana is a person that attracts many people because of her panache personality.

14.persona:  a character or their characteristics
Ken’s persona struck me as cocky and vain.

15.philippic: any of the speeches delivered Demosthenes against king Philip.
We learned about the Philippic speeches in History last week.
16.Prurient: having lustful thoughts/desires
To Catholics being prurient would be a sin.

17.Sacrosanct: extremely sacred, above and beyond criticism
The body and blood of Christ is sacrosanct to Catholics.

18.Systemic: pertaining to a system or a group/body of people.
Facebook is a systematic web because it lies on the hands of many.
19.Tendentious: showing tendency, bias…
It surprises me how many people show tendentious attitudes without even noticing it.

20.Vicissitude: a change occurring in the course of something, usually something bad.
I categorized the triathlon as a vicissitude because it was in the middle of all of my college applications and scholarships.

Hamlet is bugging me too

Hamlet is too witty to be mad. His schemes are thought out to well. He outsmarts everyone and still manages to keep himself together in the presence of others for the most part. He is like an onion he has layers of personality. Would a crazy person be able to do that? He is not mad, but I believe that when you fake a personality you in some sort of way become it. When you spend so much time with a personality/character you start acting like them in real life. Hamlet is spending so much time with all of his layers of personality so it can easily be argued that Hamlet will soon turn mad.


a) Ted Talks are amazing! From this video I have learned that we as internet magnets are being isolated from our own world. Based on certain factors the web is choosing what we see on our computer screens. We are not in control of what we see on the web.

b) This new information makes me wonder; what kind of news do I get when I search up a certain word and/or topic? Is it essential? Now I am aware that the internet is not making me aware of my surroundings. It is not giving me the full spectrum I thought I was getting when searching things on the internet.

c) The questions I am asking myself is how do I know that the stuff I am searching on the internet is as rich and full of information than it could be when someone else searched the same thing? Why would the internet deprive the people that are keeping it running from information? Why choose their information? Do people not have the right to judge what they can and cannot see?

d) To improve the effectiveness of my searches is to use more than one web page and/or different technology. For example using, Bing versus Google versus Duck Duck go or my computer versus my kindle. 

tools that change the way we think

It all depends on how the news is presented. Many times the news on the media and internet can be biased. Yes, the internet has made us a more aware universe, but it has isolated us from each other in some ways. Technology in general has taken over the worlds of many people. The talking on the phone and speaking face to face no longer seem an important part of society. The internet has allowed us to give up more quickly. When one cannot find the answer to something the person automatically thinks…Google it or cha cha it. This is a great article it’s worth taking a look at.